Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

So, I guess I should blog about this.

2013 is almost halfway over, and I have yet to post once on my blog.  Shameful!  My absence from blogging does not, however, reflect my activity in the world of photography.  If you know me personally, you probably know I've actually been very busy.  If you don't know me, prepare yourself to be informed. :)  Since January 1, 2013, I have been creating an artistic photograph every single day.  I started out with basically no criteria for what my photo could be, besides the fact that I wanted to create something which I could be proud to share publicly.  Hence, this was my photo for day 1:


Now, I still think this is an interesting shot, but it's fun to see how my style has evolved over the last 5-ish months.  For the first few weeks I mixed this type of observing-interesting-things-in-nature shot with self portraits.  I was traveling at the time I started this project, so I had to explore some unfamiliar places  in order to make my daily image.  I always feel somehow more inspired in new or unusual settings, anyway.  So here's where I was a couple months into this thing.


I'm actually still pretty pleased with this one.  I got this dress from a nearby antique store, and after doing some emergency surgery on a sleeve that shredded the first time I tried it on, I was excited to use it in a photograph.  After spending about an hour tying strings around these tulips and taping them to the ceiling, I was ready to roll.

A couple months later, I had made it to 100 DAYS!.  There isn't much in my life that I can say I'm really proud of, but that was a milestone I was extremely proud to reach.  This whole project has been self motivated, so it meant a lot to me that I'd continued for so long.  This shot was taken in a swampy area in a nearby park.  I shot so many frames trying to position myself so the focus would be in the right place.  Eventually these dark clouds rolled in and the light changed dramatically, and I knew that it was about to storm but that I had to capture this amazing light.  I hurriedly shot as much as I could until my remote control started acting up, so I took that as a sign that it was time to leave.  Almost immediately after I packed up my gear and began the approximately half mile walk back to my car, the skies opened up, and it started pouring.  I ran as fast as I could in this outfit with a backpack and tripod on my back along a marshy path, but I was drenched nonetheless.  I think it was worth it.

100 (whoa)

And, with many shots in between, that brings us up to today.  You may recognize this dress from the second picture in this post.  I really have gotten a lot of use out of it.  I think my style and technique has really developed over the last 156 days, and I hope they continue to do so over the next however many days I can keep this up.


I'd like to blog more frequently about my photographic adventures.  Perhaps if I have a particularly interesting time shooting I'll share some stories.  In the mean time, if there's anyone out there who has questions about a particular photo, I'd be happy to take requests.

You can see all the images in my project so far at:

Thanks for visiting!

Oh!  Here's a bonus I almost forgot, just for blog readers. :)  I came across this prehistory-looking little guy after shooting a few days ago.  Thankfully, we kept our distance from each other. 

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